While patches were eventually released for the problem, the manufacturer has now unexpectedly stated that customers should stop using hacked Email Security Gateways (ESG) and replace them, even if they received patches.
Let me remind you that we also wrote that Over 4,000 Servers Are Still Vulnerable to Critical Bug in Sophos Firewall, and also that Emsisoft Says Hackers Are Spoofing Its Certificates.
Also, you might be interested in the article: Email Security Tactics – How to Stay [...]
Let me remind you that we also wrote that Search for Random Leaks of API Keys, Passwords and Tokens Works for All GitHub Users, and also that OpenAI Introduced a Tool for Detecting Text Generated by Artificial Intelligence.
As you know, one of the most serious drawbacks of Google Authenticator has always been the lack of backup of one-time two-factor authentication (2FA) codes, as well as the lack of support for multiple devices at [...]
Let me remind you that we wrote that Cloudflare Coped With The Most Powerful DDoS Attack to Date, and also that Developers Can’t Fix a Serious Vulnerability in OpenSSL.
Albert Pedersen
In an article published earlier this week, Pedersen revealed that he alerted Cloudflare to the problem via HackerOne as early as December 7, 2021. According to [...]